Planning & Development

Planning & Development

Town of Daysland – Land Use Planning

The Alberta Government implemented the Provincial Land Use Framework and the Alberta Land Stewardship Act which affects how land use planning decisions are made.

The following document outlines the hierarchy of Land Use Planning.  Please review it to better understand land use planning.

Hierarchy of Plans


Planning & Development

If you have any inquiries regarding planning or building in Daysland, please call 780-374-3767 or email


Fence Permits:
You require a Fence Permit to construct a fence in Daysland. Please download and fill in the Fence Permit Form and either send it to the Town office or drop it off with the permit fees.

Residential Permits:
These permits are largely based on a single-lot residential project.  For a commercial, industrial, multi-family or large development (or for clarification or more information) please contact the Town of Daysland at 780-374-3767.


The Strategic Plan for the Town of Daysland:

The Business Plan for the Town of Daysland:

2021 TOWN OF DAYSLAND Business Plan

Building Permits and Inspections

Building Permits along with Gas, Water, Electrical and Private Septic permits and inspections are managed by The Inspections Group for the Town of Daysland.

The Inspections Group has published a reference guide for Permits and Compliance. You can download the Permits_booklet_Edition_2019 Guide here.

You can download permit forms directly from The Inspections Group website.

Contact The Inspections Group at:

Address Edmonton Office

12010 – 111 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5G 0E6

Phone (780) 454-5048
Toll Free 1 (866) 554-5048
Fax (780) 454-5222

Or call the Town of Daysland for more information on permits and inspections at 780-374-3767