The Flagstaff Waste recycle bins have been moved from the east side of the Public Works yard to the south side along the fence. Thank you for taking care and
Make sure to get rid of your household hazardous waste before May 1st! Items are accepted at the Transfer Site in Daysland! Daysland Transfer Site Hours: Tuesday 8:30-4:30
Town Utility Bills – Utility bills are sent out at the end of each month. The billing is for water, sewer, garbage and gas services. The bill is due 3
Visit the Utilities Consumer Advocate website to compare electricity and gas prices in your area, view historical rates, or get help resolving water and energy utility related issues. Our website
Daysland has bins available for organic compost waste. Location: Follow HWY 855 to the entrance of the Public Works shop. The compost site is located behind the recycling bins. Signs
Garbage Collection – Garbage pickup is contracted through Flagstaff Regional Solid Waste Management in Sedgewick. Their phone number is 780 – 384 – 3950. Basic Garbage and environmental charges will
Watering Schedule: The watering regulations are in effect in accordance with the Town of Daysland Water Regulation 2009-478 Bylaw as follows: EVEN DATES: EAST OF 50TH STREET ODD DATES: WEST
Daysland began charging for residential water consumption on August 1, 2010. Residents are encouraged to locate and repair any household water or toilet leaks to avoid being charged for excess
Town of Daysland has an option for pre-authorized payments available at the Town Office. Just come in and fill out the form, attach a void cheque, and your bill will
Fortis Alberta has launched a new Streetlight Repair Map. You can zoom in and view all the streetlights in Daysland on the map and request to get one repaired online.
The Town of Daysland is now accepting: Email (Interac) Transfers To send an email payment to the Town of Daysland please use the following email address. Email: payments@daysland.ca In